Preschool For All

The Little School is happy to be a Preschool For All provider school. The Preschool for All Tuition Credit (PFA) program helps provide universal access to preschool to all 4-year-olds in San Francisco. To be eligible for PFA, families must live in San Francisco and children must turn 4 on or before December 2nd of the year they will be enrolled in a five day program. While the program is not designed for kindergarten-aged children, exceptions are made for children with documented special needs or who require an extra year of preschool.

PFA is open to all families regardless of need or income. Families may receive a tuition credit of up to $4,440 annually. Through funding to qualified preschools, PFA reduces the cost of tuition during an eligible student’s pre-kindergarten year, and provides for enhancements that help schools improve program quality. PFA also supports teachers by granting them access to free professional development opportunities and a dynamic community of peers working in qualified preschools throughout San Francisco.